A new core workshop soon at FDB!

A new drowner and its related equipment will soon be installed in our workshops in Caudan. This is a strategic investment to support the diversification of production undertaken by our plant to meet the needs of customers and new targeted markets.

These facilities will allow us to manufacture larger parts. In terms of ergonomics, working conditions and environment, this modernization also presents important advances: robotic handling, automatic core box removal for easy maintenance of tools, air collection system directly at the tooling to ensure good working conditions and air treatment by a washing tower to preserve the environment.

The FDB team: Tony Chamizo Gonzales, sand/toolmaker driver, Luis Camacho, mechanic, Giovanni Pili, foundry/core manager and Nicolas Pantzer, project manager, with Marco Meneguzzo, prime contractor MVM Consulting and Sébastien Lenoir, supplier Mingzhi Technology, as well as the teams in Germany, in front of the drowner being assembled!

We are all looking forward to receiving these new production equipment at FDB in mid-May! 😀

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Fonderie de Bretagne since 1965

FDB is proud of its expertise built up over more than a half-century and has modern production tools facilities to ensure product quality, customer satisfaction and innovation.

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